Florida Extravaganza Vendors!



Friday Setup Times are: 2PM – 9PM.

Sat Setup: 6:30am Sun Setup: Refresh: 8am

We are in the same building as this past July. If you haven’t been there, see the map link below.
IF YOU ARE SETTING UP FRIDAY – You will need to come in through the Orient Rd. rear entrance.

If you DO NOT setup on Friday, you will come in through the MLK gate.

Map link for directions: https://goo.gl/maps/rTuAFvm88AUnqfBQ6



Sat hours are: 9am-4pm

Sun hours are: 9am-4pm

Wristbands, Parking Passes:
When you arrive to setup, talk with TK or Jeff to be shown where your table is for setup. Vendor wristbands will be given out on Saturday morning prior to the show.

Parking passes for show days, please register for your QR CODE allowing you easy access at the MLK GATE – he link below to register:

Additional parking passes (hard pass) will be available through TK if we have them. Parking passes are generally 1 per vendor. If we run out, there is a $10 charge for additional passes.
(sorry they give us a limited amount of free parking passes)



Please DO NOT pack up your space until at least 30 min prior to closing on Sunday. Doing so creates a disruption in the show and can create a “domino” effect around you of others packing up. We collect money at the door for the show until 30 min prior to closing.

We HAVE had to give refunds because vendors were packing up their tables 45 min+. If you pack up your table prior to closing you risk losing last minute sales as well as future opportunities to setup. Please don’t do it.

MLK Entrance Sat/Sun